Improved remote senior care & monitoring
By broadening the range of conditions that can be confidently diagnosed and monitored remotely, Nonagon helps to decrease unnecessary clinic and ER visits and prevents patient exposure to germs, bacteria, and viruses-big pluses for senior care.
Remote senior care & monitoring
The Nonagon N9+ handheld unit is FDA cleared to conduct 9 physical examinations remotely using 4 medical-grade sensors and a smartphone camera.

Record Temperature

the Skin
Photograph the skin

Check oxygen level

Record lung sounds

Listen to your heart

the inner ear
Photograph the inner ear

Record abdominal sounds

Photograph the throat
Benefits of remote senior care with Nonagon
- Enhance time- and cost-efficiency of remote triage
- Give patients 24/7 access to physical exams and primary care from anywhere
- Decrease clinic & ER visits & prevent patient exposure to germs, bacteria, and viruses
- Increase confidence in the diagnosis of acute conditions
- Keep track of patients' health statuses from their homes or senior-care facility
- Monitor chronic conditions to gauge the chosen plan of care

The app guides the user through the process of conducting and sending the exams. Once complete, a physician reviews the exam results, writes a diagnosis, and, if relevant, prescribes a treatment or refers the patient to another doctor.

The physician accompanies the user throughout the process, makes a diagnosis, and, if relevant, prescribes a treatment or refers the patient to another doctor.