The future of health is in your hands
Medical exams from your smartphone to your physician
Advantages of the N9+ telehealth device
At-home medical exam kit connects with your smartphone
Intuitive telehealth app guides you through the process
Receive diagnosis and treatment with quick turn-around time
Clinical-grade remote
physical exams
Using a convenient, FDA-cleared telehealth device kit, paired with your smartphone, you can conduct multiple, clinically-accurate physical exams wherever and whenever you want.
This provides the physician with the information they need to accurately diagnose your illness and swiftly provide the support you need, where you need it.
Clinical-grade remote
physical exams

At-home medical exam kit with 9 remote physical exams

Record Temperature

the Skin
Photograph the skin

Check oxygen level

Record lung sounds

Listen to your heart

the inner ear
Photograph the inner ear

Record abdominal sounds

Photograph the throat

One family went to Disney World and their one-year-old had a high fever and was pulling on their ear. They sent me a video; the kid had a raging ear infection and I was able to send them medicine to the pharmacy in Florida.
- Dr. Jonathan Jassey, Concierge Practice
- Dr. Jonathan Jassey, Concierge Practice

It’s like having a medical office right in your living room. With this device, providers can get key biometric data regarding what is happening with your body and make better decisions on how to serve our patients best.
- Dr. Richard Harris, MD, PharmD, MBA
- Dr. Richard Harris, MD, PharmD, MBA

The device is really really simple to use. I've had patients bring it on vacation. It's so small and easy to travel with that they can just put it in their carry-on bag
- Dr. Richard Harris, MD, PharmD, MBA
- Dr. Jeffrey Gold, MD CEO, Gold Direct Care PC

Nonagon has open the door for our telehealth clinician to close the gap for not be physically present with our patients, it's revolutionary technology has help us to properly care for our patients and improve our patient care outcome
- Jose A Ventura, MD, FAAFP, SFHM
- Jose A Ventura, MD, FAAFP, SFHM

Nonagon’s technology is nine steps ahead of the telehealth world by creating limitless access between patients, caretakers, and healthcare organizations.
- Marc Poulshock, CEO, mTelehealth
- Marc Poulshock, CEO, mTelehealth
Revolutionizing telehealth for healthcare providers
Nonagon offers physicians a cloud-based, personalized interface, allowing them to easily and seamlessly provide care from their clinic, home or wherever they choose.
Making Telehealth Better